Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)
Information on the disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment
Concerning the sale of electrical and electronic equipment, we are obliged to inform you of the following:
- All electrical equipment that can be used in private households are marked with the symbol of the crossed-out wheelie bin.
The symbol of the crossed-out wheelie bin according to Annex 3 of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act means that electrical and electronic equipment must be collected separately from unsorted municipal waste. - The
owners of waste equipment must dispose of them separately from unsorted
municipal waste. Waste equipment must not be disposed of with household
- Old batteries and accumulators that are not
enclosed in the waste equipment, as well as lamps that can be removed
from the waste equipment without destroying it, must be separated from
the waste equipment without destroying it before being handed in at a
collection point.
- Distributors as defined in Section 17
ElektroG, i.e. those with a sales area for electrical and electronic
equipment of at least 400 square metres and distributors of foodstuffs
with a total sales area of at least 800 square metres who offer and make
available electrical and electronic equipment on the market several
times in a calendar year or on a permanent basis, are obliged to take
back waste equipment free of charge in the following cases:
a. When the consumer purchases a new electrical or electronic appliance, distributors subject to the take-back obligation are obliged to take back free of charge an old appliance of the same type that fulfils essentially the same functions as the new appliance, at the place of delivery or in the immediate vicinity thereof. The place of delivery may also be the private household, provided that the delivery takes place there.
b. At your request, distributors shall also take back free of charge old appliances which do not exceed 25 centimetres in any external dimension. The take-back is not linked to the purchase of an electrical or electronic appliance and is limited to three old appliances per type of appliance.
c. Insofar as the contract has been concluded through the use of means of distance communication, the free collection is limited to electrical and electronic equipment belonging to
- Category 1 (heat transmitters),
- Category 2 (screens, monitors and equipment containing screens with a surface area of more than 100 square centimetres)
- and Category 4 (large appliances).
Die Rücknahme für Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte der Kategorien 3 (Lampen), 5 (Kleingeräte) und 6 (Kleine IT- und Telekommunikationsgeräte) und Altgeräten mit einer Abmessung von bis zu 25 Zentimeter ist durch geeignete Rückgabemöglichkeiten in zumutbarer Entfernung zu Ihnen zu gewährleistet.
Eine Übersicht über die Gerätekategorien und die jeweils erfassten Geräte findet sich unter:https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/elektrog_2015/anlage_1.html - For
private households, appliances can be returned to the municipal
collection points in your town or community. At the following link you
can view an online directory of collection and return points in your
https://www.ear-system.de/ear-verzeichnis/sammel-und-ruecknahmestellen - We
would like to explicitly point out that end users themselves are
responsible for deleting personal data on the used devices to be
disposed of.
- We are also obliged to inform you about the
annual disclosures regarding the fulfilment of the quantitative targets
according to § 10 paragraph 3 and § 22 paragraph 1 of the Electrical
and Electronic Equipment Act. You can view these here:
https://www.bmu.de/themen/wasser-ressourcen-abfall/kreislaufwirtschaft/statistiken/elektro-und-elektronikaltgeraete - In addition, we have created the following options for taking back your equipment:
have the option to return your end-of-life device to MEMORY PC free of
charge: Address: Memory PC GmbH - Weberstraße 4a - 26340 Zetel
the return of old appliances up to a weight of 31 kilograms and maximum
package dimensions of 120cm x 60cm x 60cm, you will receive a prepaid
return shipping label from our logistics partner DHL at your request.
Contact us for this at elektroG@memorypc.de or by phone on: 04453
Important note:
note: You are responsible for ensuring that there is no personal data
stored on your old devices. Therefore, please make sure to delete all
personal data from the old devices.
You can also return your old appliance to a FREE local waste disposal service.
You can find a list of return points here: